Shouldn't words like Aunt, Cousin, Mom, and Dad always be capitalized when they're followed by the person's name? If you're such a grammar nut, why did you write "Aunt Mamie" with a capital and cousin Eileen with no capital in "Maggie and the Ghost"? —Grammar Maven with a Microscope
Here's the excerpt: "Maybe you heard the story from Aunt Mamie or maybe your cousin Eileen made it up."
Dear GMM,
Good question, cracked microscope.
When a relative's name is preceded by a possessive, don't capitalize. In the sentence cited, "Aunt Mamie" is her name. Had I written "your aunt Mamie," there would have been no capitalization. Had I written "Maybe Cousin Eileen made it up," my cousin Eileen would have merited a capital C (sorry, Eileen, nothing personal).
Thanks for the question and for reading the story to the very end.
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